Lyndee-Ness lyndeep Age. 39 Gender. Female Ethnicity. White Girl (Italian Ancestries) Location Lexington, KY School. » More info. Hello, My name is Fabulous.
I am: Married A Gemini A Libertarian Momma 4.0 Student My life is made enjoyable by: Music Photography Art in all forms Food Happiness Nature Animals Culture Little Peices of Me Love Me? Subscribe to this to blog if you would like to be emailed whenever it is updated. | So it's my birthday Monday. 6.18.12 2:59 pm Being 27 doesn't feel very different. It somehow feels older but I think that's about it. I'm a huge birthday fanatic, that's a whole new blog post in itself though, and this has probably been my first not good one. Oh well. The day is still young... And it's definitely had its good parts (bath and body works super clearance/ trenta sized starbucks / sarku for lunch) but the bad parts (forgot the lunch leftover at the mall / more drama on the BFF saga ) have had their toll. At least it is a GORGEOUS day and I'm a sucker for nice weather. I'm going to take out some agressive energy on this damned table I've been trying to refinish for a week now. Been chipping at layer after layer of old paint for days now. I just want to f-ing paint the thing. Comment! (4) | Recommend! Today Wednesday. 6.6.12 4:30 pm Today is better. The weather is nice. Life is moving along nice and easily. It's about to get better even, I am excited. Thank God for easy days. Comment! (1) | Recommend! The Edge Sunday. 6.3.12 12:28 pm I think I'm on the verge of something. Some kind of massive change. I think I have climbed on a mountain and maybe I'm at the peak of my uphill battle and can starting the trip down the other side to what's beyond. Today has sucked. This whole week has sucked. Essentially a "friend" stranded me and my 3 year old an hour and a half away from home, mad drama with a friend's guy friend, big fight with husband, husband didn't get into masters program, much bigger fight with husband.. yea that about sums it up. No the fights were not related to his school issues. I've got my happy time playlist going and I'm just letting myself cry and my lifelong friend is headed over so I won't have to worry about being a mess in front of little man should he wake up. Ugh, I hate the feeling of heavy. I just feel like I have sand bangs all over my body. I want life to be somewhat easy for a bit. So I guess I'll sit here in this semi-conscious state I'm in and keep listening to my happy time music. . . Comment! (1) | Recommend! Thursday. 5.10.12 2:37 pm Comment! (0) | Recommend! Realizing Monday. 5.7.12 2:03 pm Comment! (0) | Recommend! The Birthday Party Monday. 4.23.12 3:30 pm I'm sure 3 year old, mostly home made, birthday parties aren't too exciting to most but dammit I just enjoy them. I love anything themed, cutesy, crafting, edible, and/or challenging so that about sums that up. This year we were ridiculously broke and trying to do fabulous on a budget but little man loved it and that's what matters. We had it at chick-fil-a since it decided to drop 20 degrees and start raining but he LOVED that because, like his mother, he is a bit obsessed with them. We just let all the kids play in the play area, which is really nice for a chick-fil-a, and the adults just kind of congregated. My friends are always awkward when in large social situations. Anyhow, to more important things: pictures! The goody bags. I put cows on them because it was at chick-fil-a and I put googly eyes on the cows because googly eyes are AWESOME. Fact. Also, note my rigged computer in the background. Lol. The iced rainbow cake, little man was ready to see the rainbow. Aaaannnddd.. CAKE INSIDES! YAY!! My little man <3 And random but this is the wax paper that I cooled the cake on. It was a thin, smooth, velvety film of cake. Neat! Comment! (1) | Recommend! |
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